At Vet Vive Wellness, we work with veterinary doctors and students to design customized nutrition plans and fitness programs aligned to their hectic schedule. We work 1:1 with our clients, and meet on a regular basis to continually adjust their plans and coach them through obstacles and plateaus.
Here is a testimonial from a very successful client, Dr. Ann-Marie Biggins, DVM, BSc:
"When I started working with Kirbie I was looking to shred some weight and feel better about my body. I was struggling with consistency, discipline and creating habits for achievable goals.

I get very overwhelmed with self care and starting routines. I want to cook healthy, I want to spend more time at the gym but I struggle figuring out how to balance it into my life.
Kirbie does a great job figuring out what’s realistic for you, your goals and most importantly your lifestyle. She’s helped me create meal plans as simple as scrambled eggs and protein shakes to baked goods and gourmet meals, what to eat on the run or at a fancy restaurant. Literally she even broke down my morning routine for me which helped me get out of the house faster so I can make time for the gym or walks.
She is gentle but tough and that’s exactly what I need.
Not only have I achieved fitness goals but the new habits she’s taught me has been effective for me across the work and even at my job.
Kirbie also makes it all about you. I loathe at home workouts and she made all of my workouts gym and equipment based. I have bulk food items for Costco I want to use up, Kirbie makes it work. She’s amazing and understanding. If you want to reach your goals and still live your life, call Kirbie!!!!!"
Ann-Marie Biggins, DVM, BSc